Terms & Conditions
These terms and conditions (“Terms and Conditions”) are prescribed by Maison L'ecrin Inc. (“Our Company”) as follows to govern any matters related to a product purchase contract entered into by and between a customer and Our Company (the “Contract”), through “L’ecrin Boutique Tokyo” (URL: https://www.lecrin.jp/), a shopping website operated by Our Company, and other online shopping websites operated by Our Company (collectively the “Websites”) and by other methods. In addition, Our Company hereby represents in advance, prior to a customer entering into a Contract, that these Terms and Conditions shall constitute the terms of such Contract.
Article 1 (Definitions)
1. “Services” mean the services listed in each of the following items:
(1) sale of products through the internet;
(2) sale of products by other methods;
(3) any and all services incidental to Items (1) and (2) above; and
(4) any and all services to be provided by Our Company in the future.
2. “User(s)” means user(s) of the Services.
3. “Orderer(s)” means the User(s) who desires to purchase products.
4. “Contractor(s)” means the User(s) who has entered into a Contract for a product with Our Company.
Article 2 (Scope of Terms and Conditions, and Amendments Thereto)
1. These Terms and Conditions shall apply to Our Company and each User on each occasion that each User uses the Services, and each User shall use the Services in accordance with the provisions of these Terms and Conditions.
2. If Our Company intends to make any alteration of any provision of these Terms and Conditions, it shall expressly indicate the contents and the effective date of the alteration, and inform each User thereof no later than a reasonable period of time prior to the effective date by posting it on the Websites or by other methods.
3. The provisions of these Terms and Conditions shall be altered to the provisions described in the preceding paragraph from the effective date, after the completion of the procedures in Paragraph 2. Each User who uses the Services on or after the effective date of these Terms and Conditions after the alteration shall be deemed to have accepted the alteration of these Terms and Conditions, as long as the procedures designated by this article have been followed.
Article 3 (Prohibited Acts)
1. In using the Services, Users shall not commit any of the following acts:
(1) enter false or erroneous information in placing an order for the products:
(2) any act that prevents the operation of the Services;
(3) illegally use a credit card or other payment method;
(4) dispose of the products by using the trade name or name of the shops of Our Company;
(5) impersonate a third person;
(6) any act that causes any other User, third party or Our Company a problem, adverse effect or damage;
(7) any act that is against public order or morals;
(8) any act that is against applicable laws and regulations; or
(9) any other act reasonably determined as inappropriate by Our Company based on reasonable grounds.
Article 4 (Breach of Terms and Conditions by the User)
1. If any of the following items applies to a User, and Our Company suffers damages therefrom, then Our Company may make a claim for compensation for damages against such User.
(1) In case the information entered or reported by such User upon placing an order for the products is incorrect;
(2) In case such User is a minor, or person under guardianship or assistance and misrepresents that he/she is an adult or such User misrepresents that he/she has obtained consent from the statutory agent, guardian or assistant, and in case such User is an adult ward and it is disguised as if the order for the products was placed by the guardian thereof;
(3) In case such User commits any of the prohibited acts set forth in each item in Article 3;
(4) In case such User otherwise breaches these Terms and Conditions;
(5) In case such User falls under Article 21; or
(6) In case Our Company determines that such User is inappropriate as a User based on reasonable grounds.
2. Our Company may refuse to provide the Services to any User who currently falls under, or has fallen under in the past, any of the items in Paragraph 1.
3. Even if a User falls under each item in Paragraph 1, Our Company may continue to hold the information of such User.
Article 5 (Purchase Order for the Products)
1. In case an Orderer uses the service set forth in Item (1) of Article 1, Paragraph 1, such Orderer shall accept the other terms, etc., set forth in these Terms and Conditions or indicated on the Websites in advance, and shall place an order for the products (“Order”) at the order page of the Websites by entering therein and sending the address, name, email address, phone number and other required information of such User (“User’s Information”) as well as the necessary details including the contents of the order (“Order Information”) in accordance with the method designated by Our Company.
2. In case an Orderer uses the service set forth in Item (2) of Article 1, Paragraph 1, such Orderer shall place an Order by submitting the User’s Information and Order Information designated by Our Company by a method designated by Our Company.
3. In case an Orderer is a minor, or person under guardianship or assistance, such Orderer shall place an Order after obtaining consent from the statutory agent, guardian or assistant thereof in advance. In case an Orderer is an adult ward, the guardian thereof shall place the Order.
4. For the service set forth in Item (1) of Article 1, Paragraph 1, in case Our Company receives the User’s Information and the Order Information when a User places an Order, in accordance with Paragraph 1, Our Company shall send the Orderer an email confirming our receipt thereof as well as the contents, etc., of the Order (“Order Confirmation Email”). An Order shall be completed at the time an Order Confirmation Email has been sent by Our Company; provided, however, an Order Confirmation Email shall not represent any acceptance by Our Company of an Order from the Orderer.
5. Regardless of the method of an Order, if the User’s Information or Order Information received by Our Company is unclear, or is written in a language or letter unreadable by Our Company, the relevant Order shall not become effective and Our Company shall not be responsible to the relevant Orderer for any damage caused thereby, except in cases of willful misconduct or gross negligence of Our Company.
6. If any User’s Information or Order Information does not reach Our Company due to system failure or any other event not attributable to Our Company, then the relevant Order shall not become effective and Our Company shall not be responsible to the relevant Orderer for any damage caused thereby, except in cases of willful misconduct or gross negligence of Our Company.
7. The Orderer may not alter or revoke an Order after placing such Order.
8. In case of an Order from overseas, the User’s Information and Order Information must be completed in English regardless of the country of the place of the Order.
Article 6 (Formation of the Contract)
1. A Contract between an Orderer and Our Company shall become effective when Our Company has sent an order acceptance email to the Orderer at his/her email address to which the Order Confirmation Email was sent. Even if an order acceptance email from Our Company is not received by an Orderer for any reason, the validity of the relevant Contract shall not be affected, and Our Company shall not be responsible therefor, except in cases of willful misconduct or gross negligence of Our Company.
2. If any of the following events occurs, a Contract shall not be effective and Our Company shall not send an order acceptance email; provided, however, the following events are not the only cases where a Contract shall not become effective, since whether or not an Order is acceptable shall be determined by Our Company at its reasonable discretion.
(1) If no approval or confirmation, etc. is given by a credit company or settlement institution (“Credit Company, Etc.”) in case of a payment by credit card;
(2) If no approval or confirmation, etc. is given by a consumer credit company in case a “Shopping Loan” or “Rakuraku Loan” (collectively, the “Shopping Credit”) of such consumer credit company is used; or
(3) If Our Company attempts to verify the identity of an Orderer and is unable to determine that such Orderer is the person concerned.
Article 7 (Notice, etc., from Our Company)
Any manifestation of intention or other notice from Our Company to a User shall be deemed to have reached the User when such notice, etc. has been sent to the email address recorded in the relevant User’s Information.
Article 8 (Cancellation of the Contract, Extinction of its Effect)
1. If any one of the following events occurs to a Contractor, Our Company may cancel the relevant Contract without giving notice or demand from Our Company, regardless of whether or not there is an event attributable to the Contractor, and whether or not the degree of the events in the following items that have occurred to the Contractor or the event attributable to the Contractor is minimal; provided, however, the above shall not preclude Our Company from giving notice or demand:
(1) if there is false information in an Order;
(2) in case of any breach of these Terms and Conditions or other terms provided on the Websites;
(3) in case of a stockout of the product ordered (including the case where there is an indication of “in-stock” on the Websites, when the relevant product has already been purchased at the shops of the related companies of Our Company, the other shopping websites operated by the related companies of Our Company or our shops but such fact is not reflected on the Websites);
(4) in case the product ordered is to be delivered at our shop, when its Orderer does not pick up such product within a designated or reasonable period;
(5) in case the product ordered is to be delivered to the Contractor, when the receipt of the product by the Contractor cannot be confirmed and the product is returned to Our Company;
(6) if there is an error in the price of a product or other information related to the product;
(7) if payment to a designated bank account is not confirmed by the deadline for payment in case a money transfer (including but not limited to any advance or deposit) to Our Company is required;
(8) if the identity of a Contractor cannot be verified or the use of a credit card by a Contractor is not permitted after-the-fact by the Credit Company, Etc. in case of a payment by credit card (including the cases of using other payment methods in combination);
(9) if a Contractor fails to pay for a product in exchange for the provision of the product in case of cash on delivery; or
(10) if it becomes impossible to perform obligations due to an event not attributable to either Our Company or the relevant Contractor.
2. In case Our Company cancels a Contract due to any event attributable to a Contractor, Our Company may claim against such Contractor for any damage (including but not limited to shipping costs, bank transfer fees, and lost earnings or the like incurred by Our Company).
3. If a Contract is not formed, or becomes void through cancellation, etc., due to any event attributable to a Contractor after an advance was paid to Our Company by such Contractor, when the Contractor (including the cases where a Contract is not formed) is liable for compensation for damage to Our Company, all or a part of such money paid in advance (including but not limited to any advance or deposit) may not be refunded.
4. If a Contract is not formed, or becomes void through cancellation, etc., Our Company may dispose of the product subject to such Contract at its discretion, including through sale to other Users.
Article 9 (Payment Method)
1. Upon the purchase of a product through the Services, a Contractor shall choose a payment method from among the options below and pay the purchase price, consumption tax and handling fee (the “Purchase Price, Etc.”; the consumption tax rate shall be the rate applicable at the time of the formation of the relevant Contract) in accordance with the provisions of this article; provided, however, a product subject to a tax exemption shall be handled differently such as excepting it from the consumption tax, and adding overseas shipment fees in cases of shipment outside Japan and handling charges in cases of remittance from overseas.
(1) Payment by credit card (not available for an order from overseas);
(2) Cash on delivery (not available for an order from overseas);
(3) Advance payment to the bank account designated by Our Company;
(4) Payment with Shopping Credit (including cases that require payment of an initial deposit; not available for an order from overseas);
(5) Payment through PayPal (not available for an order from overseas);
(6) Payment through a convenience store and post office, etc. (not selectable in some cases);
(7) Payment through PayPay (not selectable in some cases); or
(8) Any other method designated by Our Company.
2. Payment by credit card
In case of payment by credit card, Our Company shall charge the Credit Company, Etc., and a Contractor shall make the payment in accordance with the terms and conditions (including but not limited to the payment method or time of payment) of the contract separately executed with the Credit Company, Etc. thereof. Any dispute arising between a Contractor and the Credit Company, Etc., thereof shall be settled between such parties and Our Company shall have no responsibility in respect thereof, except in cases of willful misconduct or gross negligence of Our Company. If a Contractor chooses to make the payment by using other payment methods in combination when such method is selectable, the Contractor shall pay the Purchase Price, Etc. in full by using other payment methods in combination.
3. Advance payment to the designated bank account
In case of an advance payment to the designated bank account (including cases that require payment of an initial deposit), a Contractor shall remit the Purchase Price, Etc. or an initial deposit designated by Our Company, by wire transfer within three (3) banking business days (in case of an order from overseas, five (5) banking business days) after the arrival of an order acceptance email so that Our Company can check the receipt of payment. Any bank transfer fees shall be borne by the Contractor.
4. Cash on delivery
In case of cash on delivery, a Contractor shall pay the Purchase Price, Etc., in exchange for the delivery of the product. In this case, payment of the Purchase Price, Etc., must be made in cash.
5. Payment with Shopping Credit
In case of payment with Shopping Credit, Our Company shall charge the consumer credit company, and a Contractor shall make the payment in accordance with the terms and conditions (including but not limited to the payment method or time of payment) of the contract separately executed with the consumer credit company thereof. Any dispute arising between a Contractor and the consumer credit company, etc., thereof shall be settled between such parties and Our Company shall have no responsibility in respect thereof, except in cases of willful misconduct or gross negligence of Our Company.
6. Payment through PayPal
In case of payment through PayPal, a Contractor shall make the payment in accordance with the method designated by PayPal after the arrival of an order acceptance email so that Our Company can check the receipt of payment within three (3) business days [of Our Company].
7. Payment through a convenience store and post office, etc.
In case payment through a convenience store and post office, etc. is selectable, a Contractor who has chosen to make the payment by such method shall remit the Purchase Price, Etc. in accordance with the designated method after the arrival of an order acceptance email so that Our Company can check the receipt of payment within three (3) banking business days. Any bank transfer fees shall be borne by the Contractor.
8. Payment through PayPay
In case payment through PayPay is selectable, a Contractor who has chosen to make the payment by such method shall make the payment in accordance with the designated method. If a Contractor makes the payment by using other payment methods in combination, the Contractor shall pay the Purchase Price, Etc. in full by using other payment methods in combination.
9. Notwithstanding the provisions of Paragraph 1, a Contractor may not choose any payment method that is not shown on the Websites as a payment method of the relevant product or any payment method that is not designated by Our Company.
10. If Our Company determines that the payment method chosen by a Contractor should be changed, then Our Company may reject such payment method chosen by a Contractor and change and designate another method. Provided, however, a Contractor may cancel a Contract within three (3) business days from the date on which such Contractor receives a notice of payment method so changed from Our Company. If it is necessary for Our Company to make an inquiry, etc., to a to use the payment method selected, the Orderer shall respond thereto.
Article 10 (Shipment of Products)
1. Our Company shall deliver a product to the address recorded in the User’s Information of a Contractor or the place separately designated by a Contractor via the parcel delivery services, etc., of the delivery company designated by Our Company; provided, however, Our Company may refuse the delivery place designated by a Contractor and limit the delivery to the place other than the place so designated (including the address recorded in the relevant User’s Information).
2. In case of an advance payment to the designated bank account
In case of an advance payment to the designated bank account, Our Company shall start the preparation for shipment of the product after confirming the payment of the Purchase Price, Etc., as described in Article 9, Paragraph 3. Our Company may start securing the product after confirming the payment of the Purchase Price, Etc. according to the conditions of each transaction. In such case, if there is no relevant product in stock at the time of confirmation of the payment, the provisions of Item (3) of Article 8, Paragraph 1 shall apply. If an advance payment of an initial deposit to a bank account is required, Our Company shall start the preparation for shipment after receiving such initial deposit and fulfillment of the conditions applicable to the selected payment methods as set forth in the following paragraphs.
3. In case of payment by credit card
In case of payment by credit card, Our Company shall start the preparation for shipment after an approval or confirmation, etc. is given by the Credit Company, Etc. and the identify of a Contractor is verified by Our Company. Provided, however, if a Contractor chooses to make the payment by using other payment methods in combination, when such method is selectable, fulfillment of the shipment conditions applicable to the selected payment methods shall be required.
4. In case of cash on delivery
In case of cash on delivery, Our Company shall start the preparation for shipment after sending an order acceptance email.
5. In case of payment with Shopping Credit
In case of payment with Shopping Credit, Our Company shall start the preparation for shipment after an approval is given by a consumer credit company and after sending an order acceptance email.
6. In case of payment through PayPal
In case of payment through PayPal, Our Company shall start the preparation for shipment after it becomes possible to ship in relation to PayPal.
7. In case of payment through a convenience store and post office, etc.
If advance payment through a convenience store and post office, etc. is selectable, Our Company shall start the preparation for shipment after confirming the payment of the Purchase Price, Etc. in Article 9, Paragraph 7. Our Company may start securing the product after confirming the payment of the Purchase Price, Etc. according to the conditions of each transaction. In such case, if there is no relevant product in stock at the time of confirmation of the payment, the provisions of Item (3) of Article 8, Paragraph 1 shall apply.
8. In case of payment through PayPay
If payment through PayPay is selectable, Our Company shall start the preparation for shipment of a product after sending an order acceptance email. Provided, however, if a Contractor chooses to make the payment by using other payment methods in combination, when such method is selectable, fulfillment of the shipment conditions applicable to the selected payment methods shall be required.
9. In the event of any of the following cases, a delivery may be delayed. In such cases or if there is a mistake caused by the delivery company, Our Company shall not be liable for any damages that may arise caused by such delay or misdelivery, except in cases of willful misconduct or gross negligence of Our Company.
(1) when preparation for delivery cannot be made due to the holidays of Our Company such as the year-end and New Year holidays;
(2) when a delivery is delayed due to a reason of the delivery company; or
(3) when a delivery is delayed for any other unavoidable reason.
10. In case of a delivery at our shop, when a Contractor does not pick up a product within a designated or reasonable period after the completion of payment of the Purchase Price, Etc., Our Company may deliver such product to the address recorded in the relevant User’s Information. In such case, prior to the delivery to the address recorded in the relevant User’s Information, Our Company may demand the pick-up of the product by sending an email to the email address recorded in the relevant User’s Information by providing a reasonable amount of time. Provided, however, the above shall not be applicable if Our Company cancels the Contract for such product. Our Company shall not be responsible to the relevant Contractor for any damages caused thereby, except in cases of willful misconduct or gross negligence of Our Company.
11. Title to the product shall be transferred from Our Company to the relevant Contractor upon the receipt of such product by the Contractor.
12. If a Contractor fails to pick up a product on the due date or a product sent to a Contractor is returned to Our Company for any reason, Our Company shall not be liable to such Contractor for any adverse effects or damage that may arise due thereto (including but not limited to loss, damage or defacement of a product that arises at or after the return, or export custom duty at the country of destination, or import custom duty in Japan in case of an Order from overseas), except in cases of willful misconduct or gross negligence of Our Company.
Article 11 (Exchange and Return of Products)
1.In case a Contractor gives notice to Our Company via email within three (3) days, including the day of receipt of the product, that the said product falls under any of the following items, and if Our Company determines that the said product falls thereunder based on reasonable grounds, then Our Company shall exchange the product (excluding its box; the same shall apply hereinafter in this article). In order to do so, please check the existence of any of the following cases immediately after the receipt of a product. If an exchange of the product is accepted, the shipment fees for the return and redelivery for such exchange shall be borne by Our Company; provided, however, that such exchange shall be limited to a product determined by Our Company as unused, and that Our Company shall not accept any exchange of a product whose condition has been altered by the time it is returned due to a scratch, damage, defacement or any other reason that is not attributable to Our Company or a product that is short of any accessory or enclosure thereof or has been used (including cases where the protection film has been removed), or any exchange that was requested due to a reason attributable to a Contractor.
(1) Where there is damage or defacement in the product to a degree that would not normally exist in a new product,
(2) Breakage or defacement of the product due to an accident during delivery, or
(3) Where a product other than that ordered by a Contractor was delivered (excluding a delivery of a product or quality, nature, odors, appearance or the like of the product other than that intended or expected by a Contractor).
2.If a Contractor gives notice to Our Company for an exchange of the product pursuant to the provisions of the preceding paragraph, and such exchange cannot be made because a replacement for the product is out of stock or unavailable even though a Contractor is entitled to receive an exchange, then such Contractor may return the product. In such a case, the shipment fees to return the product shall be borne by Our Company. If any return of the product is accepted by Our Company, the purchase contract with a Contractor shall be automatically terminated, and Our Company shall refund the purchase price to the Contractor by the method designated by Our Company.
3.Our Company does not bear any responsibility for exchange, return or other non-conformity of the product for any other reasons or causes than those provided for in this article, except in case of a reason attributable to Our Company.
Article 12 (Stock, Nature, etc., of the Products)
1. Since the products that Our Company sells are sold in our actual shops and on the Websites as well as in actual shops of our related companies and on the online shopping websites operated thereby, the ordered products may be out of stock.
2. The services provided by Our Company on the Websites including the settlement methods, service points and benefits for the members of email magazines are exclusive and may not correspond to the services offered on other websites operated by Our Company or related companies of Our Company or our actual shops.
3. The color or texture of the products displayed on the Websites may slightly differ from that of the actual products due to factors such as lighting or the camera when the pictures were taken or the display used by a User.
4. Since our specified sizes of the products include actual measurement values, there may be minor differences. Though Our Company will make an effort to provide accurate and up-to-date information, Our Company does not guarantee the accuracy or completeness of the description on each page of the Websites such as data, color or texture of the products.
5. Since leather goods of Hermes are manufactured to maximize the characteristics of each leather, there is a variance in texture between the products. Accordingly, there may be differences between a product displayed on the Websites and an actual product. Our Company does not guarantee the delivery of a product completely the same as that displayed on the Websites.
Article 13 (Export of Products)
With respect to products such as crocodile, ostrich or lizard leather, the export of which is prohibited under applicable laws and regulations, Our Company shall not handle any export or import thereof. Therefore, except in cases of willful misconduct or gross negligence of Our Company, Our Company shall not be responsible to a User who intended to export or import the said products for any damage due to any prohibition, restriction or other problems where Our Company does not support any procedure, etc., therefor.
Article 14 (Price of Products)
In case of an error in the price of a product or information concerning the same displayed on the Websites, Our Company may cancel the relevant purchase contract pursuant to the provision of Item (6) of Article 8, Paragraph 1.
Article 15 (Information Displayed on the Websites)
1. Our Company shall provide accurate and up-to-date information as much as possible; however, Our Company does not guarantee the accuracy, concurrence, completeness and any other matter concerning the information provided on the Websites.
2. Our Company may in its own discretion add, alter, amend or delete the information on the Websites without any prior notice to Users. Except in cases of willful misconduct or gross negligence of Our Company, Our Company shall not be liable to a User for any damage that may arise by the addition, alteration, amendment, deletion, etc., of the information on the Websites.
Article 16 (Suspension of the Services)
1. If required for the maintenance of the Websites, if Our Company determines that it is necessary to suspend the operation of the Websites for an unavoidable reason, or if it is difficult to provide the Services regardless of the cause thereof, then Our Company may suspend or discontinue the provision of the Services.
2. Even if the provision of the Services is suspended or discontinued, Our Company shall not be liable to the Users for any damage caused thereby, except in cases of willful misconduct or gross negligence of Our Company.
Article 17 (Intellectual Property)
Any and all intellectual property rights such as trademark rights and copyrights (including rights set forth in Articles 27 and 28 of the Copyright Act) concerning the Websites and the materials, pictures, design, sentences, etc., on the Websites (“Website Data”) belong to Maison L'ecrin Inc. It is prohibited by law to use the Website Data without the permission of Our Company for purposes such as reprinting, duplication, amendment, adaption, transfer, lending, public transmission (including making available by transmission) or representation. Our Company strictly prohibits such acts that are taken even for noncommercial purposes. Our Company may take any legal action when the rights of Our Company are infringed.
Article 18 (Liability for Damages)
1. Except in cases of willful misconduct or gross negligence of Our Company, Our Company shall not bear any liability for damages incurred as a result of manipulation of the information on the Websites through a third party’s invasion, damages arising from the incorrectness, inaccuracy, etc., of the information on the Websites, and damages arising from the access to or use of the Websites, regardless of the circumstances or the parties involved.
2. If a User inflicts damages on a third party through the use of the Websites, such User shall resolve the matter at the User’s own responsibility and cost, and shall not cause damages to Our Company. If a User causes damages to Our Company through an act which violates these Terms and Conditions or an unjust or illegal act, then Our Company may make a claim against such User for appropriate indemnification of the damages.
3. If Our Company is liable to compensate for damages, the scope of such compensation shall be limited to general damages (excluding damages caused by special circumstances, lost profits or indirect damages, whether foreseen or unforeseen), and such amount shall not exceed the purchase price of the subject goods that the Contractor actually paid for; provided, however, this shall not apply in cases of willful misconduct or gross negligence of Our Company.
Article 19 (Restriction on Transfer)
No User may transfer, cause the succession of, or lend to a third party his/her rights or obligations acquired by using the Services, or otherwise provide any security interest thereon.
Article 20 (Privacy Policy)
The administration and handling of the information of the Users obtained from the use of the Websites by the Users shall be governed by the privacy policy separately stipulated by Our Company.
Article 21 (Elimination of Anti-Social Forces)
1. The User represents and warrants that it does not, and will not hereafter, fall under any of the following items. If the User falls under or is determined to fall under any of the following items, then Our Company may immediately terminate the Contract or equivalent instrument (“Agreements, etc.”), in whole or in part, without giving any demand.
(1) If the User is or was an organized crime group (Boryokudan), member of an organized crime group (Boryokudanin), an entity related to an organized crime group (Boryokudan Kankei Kigyo), a corporate racketeer (Sokaiya), a rogue person or group claiming to be a social activist (Shakai Undo Hyobo Goro), a special intelligence organized crime group (Tokushu Chinou Boryoku Shudan), or other anti-social forces (“Anti-Social Forces”);
(2) If the User’s officer or a person substantially controlling the User’s management is or was an Anti-Social Force; or
(3) If the User’s parent company or subsidiary (as defined in the Companies Act; hereinafter the same shall apply) falls under any of the above two (2) items;
2. If the User falls under any of the following items in connection with the Contract, then Our Company may immediately terminate the Contract, in whole or in part, without any demand.
(1) Using threatening words and action or violent behavior, or committing of any acts that illegally harms the reputation or credit [of Our Company];
(2) Interfering with the business [of Our Company] by spreading false information or by using fraudulent means or force;
(3) Making of an unjust demand;
(4) Causing a third party who is an Anti-Social Force to commit the act in the above Item (3);
(5) Supporting activities of Anti-Social Forces, such as through the provision of funds by the User or its officer or a person substantially controlling its management against a third party found to be an Anti-Social Force; or
(6) Any act committed by the parent company or subsidiary that falls under any of the above five (5) items.
3. The User is not entitled to claim for damages against Our Company on the grounds of termination of the Contract provided in this article.
4. If Our Company suffers damages due to the acts provided in each item of Paragraphs 1 and 2 of this article, then Our Company is entitled to claim for compensation for such damages against the User.
Article 22 (Severability)
Even in the event that any of the provisions of these Terms and Conditions is found to be illegal or invalid by a court of competent jurisdiction, the remaining provisions of these Terms and Conditions shall continue to be in full force and effect.
Article 23 (Governing Law, etc.)
The formation, effect, performance and interpretation of these Terms and Conditions shall be governed by the laws of Japan, and these Terms and Conditions shall be construed in accordance with the said laws. If there is any inconsistency or conflict between the Japanese version and the English version hereof, then the Japanese version shall prevail.
Article 24 (Agreed Jurisdiction)
In case of any dispute that may arise in connection with these Terms and Conditions, and any contract or transaction with Our Company, the Tokyo District Court shall be the agreed court of first instance with exclusive jurisdiction.